Refer a Friend

And we will pay you money.

We want to help

The highest compliment we can receive is a referral. If you are happy with the service you received working with us at TalentID Group, show us through a referral. Or maybe you haven’t worked directly with us but know someone who could benefit from working with us. If so, let us know!

Our goal is to provide the same high-level of service to all clients and candidates. We focus on making the right fit for both clients and candidates. We recognize your business, your team and your career are all important parts of your lives and those that surround you. We take that responsibility seriously. You’ve heard us say it before—we are career matchmakers and we want what is BEST for YOU!

How does it work?

  1. You sign up.
  2. We occasionally email you with our hardest to fill roles.
  3. You refer your friends, family and colleagues that you believe are a good fit.
  4. If they are hired and stay in the role for a minimum of 90-days, you receive $2,500 (and sometimes more for higher priority roles). 

Are you ready to make some extra cash?

It’s that easy!

Sign Up Here 

14 + 13 =

“If everyone is moving forward together, then success takes care of itself.”

– Henry Ford

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